Project Reactor

Project Reactor is a great reactive streams project that you will probably run into when you want to write reactive code in Spring. It is very powerful and can also be complex to wrap your head around. In this article I will look at the limitRate function of a Flux.

The first time I ran into limitRate I thought it would help in limiting/throttling the amount of events flowing downstream. And according to the documentation this is the case:

Ensure that backpressure signals from downstream subscribers are split into batches capped at the provided prefetchRate when propagated upstream, effectively rate limiting the upstream Publisher.

This means that limitRate will split big requests from downstream into smaller requests. It also states that this is effectively rate limiting the publisher.

Typically used for scenarios where consumer(s) request a large amount of data (eg. Long.MAX_VALUE) but the data source behaves better or can be optimized with smaller requests (eg. database paging, etc...). All data is still processed, unlike with limitRequest(long) which will cap the grand total request amount.

According to this documentation it will typically be useful when the requests to upstream is unlimited. The rate limiter can cut this up in smaller pieces. While there might be a usecase for this, I think it is far more useful for rate limiting the number of requests from downstream to upstream.

To many demand requests

Let's look at a scenario where we want to process messages from PubSub using Spring.

fun process(msg: AcknowledgeablePubsubMessage): Mono<String> = ...

pubSubReactiveFactory.poll("exampleSubscription", 1000 /* not important with limited demand*/)
  .flatMap(::process, 16)

In above sample, there will be an initial demand of 16 element going up to the source. The PubSubReactiveFactory will request 16 elements from PubSub and send them downstream. Whenever one of the workers in the flatMap is done, it will send a request(1) upstream. The pubSubReactiveFactory will request one element from PubSub. A fraction later, another demand may reach the source and it needs to do an extra call to pubsub to get 1 extra element. The pipeline is effectively transformed such that it will pull message per message from PubSub. Message handling time is pull latency + processing time. Doing a request for just 1 element is very wasteful, certainly when processing time is well within the deadline bounds and having a buffer makes sense.

Limiting number of demand requests

Best way to minimize the impact of pulling messages from a source is make sure we pull more than 1 message per request. This is exactly what limitRate can do. It limits the number of demand requests to the source by grouping them together. Internally, limitRate has a buffer from which it can feed the consumers downstream, while making sure to fill the buffer in time, by requesting elements from the source. By default, in time means when the buffer is 75% depleted.

When limitRate(100) is used, it will first demand 100 elements from the source, to fill the buffer. The moment elements arrive, the limitRate can send them downstream as long as there is demand. When the buffer only has 25 elements left (75% depleted), it will request elements 75 elements request(75) from the source to fill the buffer.

This makes sure the source can emit batches of events, making the latency overhead much less of an issue. The limitRate function is then more of a performance increaser than a throttler.


Let's create an example to show the impact of limitRate. The source in this example can have unlimited outstanding requests and will add a 200ms latency to getting the elements that are requested. Processing take somewhere between 10-15ms.

val start =
val job = Flux.create<Int> { sink ->
  sink.onRequest { demand ->
      repeat(demand.toInt()) {
    }, 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
  .log("demandflow", Level.INFO, SignalType.REQUEST)
  .flatMap({ nr ->
    Mono.fromCallable { nr.toString() }.delayElement(Duration.ofMillis(nextLong(10, 15)))
  }, 16)
  .doOnComplete {
    println("Time: ${Duration.between(start,}")

Without limitRate

If we start the code above with the line limitRate(100) commented, we get the following result:

20:46:29.092 [parallel-1 ] INFO  demandflow - request(16)
20:46:29.367 [parallel-3 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.367 [parallel-8 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.368 [parallel-9 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.369 [parallel-1 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.369 [parallel-1 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.370 [parallel-10] INFO  demandflow - request(3)
20:46:29.370 [parallel-10] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.371 [parallel-2 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.371 [parallel-2 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:29.371 [parallel-2 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.551 [parallel-7 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.561 [parallel-10] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.732 [parallel-2 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.733 [parallel-3 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.735 [parallel-6 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.736 [parallel-4 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.736 [parallel-5 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.737 [parallel-7 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)
20:46:42.739 [parallel-8 ] INFO  demandflow - request(1)

Time: PT13.752124S

After the first 16 elements that were demanded, it wil request mostly 1 at a time. Sometimes multiple request are bundled together. As you can see, processing this took over 13s. When ran with the limitRate(100) enable we have a completely different result:

20:49:55.068 [parallel-1 ] INFO  demandflow - request(100)
20:49:55.407 [parallel-7 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:55.644 [parallel-4 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:55.884 [parallel-9 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:56.125 [parallel-3 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:56.362 [parallel-8 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:56.601 [parallel-12] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:56.843 [parallel-12] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:57.082 [parallel-8 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:57.320 [parallel-8 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:57.560 [parallel-8 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:57.794 [parallel-5 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:58.034 [parallel-9 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)
20:49:58.270 [parallel-3 ] INFO  demandflow - request(75)

Time: PT3.273889S

The first request is 100 to fill the initial buffer and the every so often we'll see a request for 75 elements to fill the buffer. With this configuration the processing took only a bit over 3 seconds. The impact of the 200ms latency is now minimized by requesting batches of elements.


The limitRate function is very useful to limit the number of demand requests flowing upstream. Instead of limiting the number of messages that can be processed by the pipeline, it actually greatly improves the performance. This function has helped me a lot to improve the performance of processing pipelines subscribing to a PubSub source.

How does limitRate work in Reactor

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